Huascarán National Park

Awesome. There is no other word. A paradise surrounded by imposing glaciers that bathe the mountain range and are the origin of mighty rivers; with a flora and fauna of hundreds of species; and with 33 archaeological sites to connect with history, in addition to communing with nature. Here grows the Puya de Raimondi, a […]
Chavín de Huántar in Perú

Among the imposing mountains of the department of Áncash, in Peru, there is an enigmatic place that hides a very important part of pre-Inca history. It is Chavín de Huántar, an archaeological complex built by the Chavín culture more than 2,200 years ago. Keep reading and you will know all the details of this exciting […]
Chan Chan Archaeological Zone in Perú

Just a step away from Trujillo, Chan Chan City in Perú stands up, imposing. An impressive mud citadel, declared by UNESCO Cultural Heritage of Humanity. With a territory of 20 km², Chan Chan City in Perú, the capital of the Chimú kingdom, groups ten walled citadels whose streets and narrow passages lead to wide squares, terraces and […]
Temple of the Sun and Moon Perú

Among the fascinating ruins of the department of La Libertad, in the city of Trujillo is one of the most impressive archaeological remains in the entire region: the Temple of the Sun and the temple of Moon in Perú. These constructions, legacy of the Moche culture, were two centers of great importance that today have their doors […]
Zorritos Beach in Perú

The Zorritos Beach in Perú is located 28 km from Tumbes. Here in the corridors the “El Niño” or Ecuatorial marina in the water that faces the water and the sensation is more tropical than the beaches. With a big mal, its divine play, quiet and peaceful. Various accommodation and restaurants offer their services, much […]
Mancora Beach in Perú

Máncora is a Beach in Perú; in the last years it has become one of the most visited beaches by national and international tourists, its waters and waters are ideal for surfing and sea sports such as beach and bodyboarding, as well as adventure tourism. Las playas tienen arena blanca semi orange and a dry tropical […]
Punta Sal Beach in Perú

Are you about to go out and enjoy the vacations with your friends, like the family? Far away from Lima there are tourist places in which the heat is present 365 days a year. One of them is Tumbes, with one of the most famous and attractive beaches in the country: Punta Sal. The Punta […]
Manglares de Tumbes National Sanctuary

In Tumbes there is the only representative sample of the mangrove forests of Peru. Like vast aquatic forests, mangroves flow in harmony between the salty waters of the sea and the fresh waters of the river. 50 minutes from the city of Tumbes, we arrive at the Manglares de Tumbes National Sanctuary, a Protected Natural […]