Cusco to Lima Bus

There was a time when all the roads that crossed the Tahuantinsuyo began and ended in the magical city of Cusco. Today this is no longer the case. However, this incredible city continues to attract thousands and thousands of travelers every day, who travel to explore the incredible tourist attractions of Cusco. You should consider […]
Cusco Airport

Next we will give you the steps to follow to get to Cusco from abroad. The first step is to get to Peru. International flights that arrive in Peru arrive in the city of Lima (the only international airport in the Inca country). From there you can board a plane to get to Cusco (approximately […]
Weather by month in Cusco Perú

The climate in the city of Cusco is relatively mild, with cold nights and sunny days. The weather is very changeable: you can go from bright sunshine to torrential rain in just minutes. Temperatures range from 13ºC. (55.4ºF) and 15ºC. (59ºF), and this is the case in almost the entire southern region of Peru. In […]
Weather in the Amazon Rainforest

The extensive Peruvian jungle, crossed by the mighty Amazon River, can be divided into two very different areas: the high jungle or mountain browbone (over 700 meters above sea level) which has a subtropical and temperate climate, with abundant rainfall (around 3,000 mm per year) between November and March and sunny days between April and […]
Weather in Perú Coast

The Peruvian coast has the shape of an extensive desert lying in the mountains. And it is precisely the presence of the Andes to the east, together with the cold Humboldt current that reaches its beaches, which gives the area that arid and dry characteristic, from the Sechura desert to the Nasca pampas and the […]
Embassies and Consulates in Perú

The embassies and consulates in Perú are foreign service bodies that organically depend on the Vice-Ministerial Office and functionally on the General Directorate of Peruvian Communities Abroad and coordinate with the line bodies those matters that are within their competence. They are responsible for protecting the interests of the State and its nationals in their […]
Emergency Telephone Numbers in Perú

The US Department of State classifies travel to Peru as generally safe, with the need for additional precautions in some areas near the Colombian border and in the south-central region called VRAEM. Most of the more than 3 million travelers to the country never need assistance from emergency services. But if you find yourself in […]
Cusco Religious Circuit Ticket

The Cusco Religious Circuit is a tourist route for more than 400 years of history, art and faith of the Cusco people. Composed of four monuments located in the historic center of the city of Cusco: the Cathedral Basilica, the Archbishop’s Palace Museum, the San Blas temple and the San Cristóbal temple. We invite you […]