Centro Qosqo de Arte Nativo

The Qosqo Center of Native Art is the First Organization of Peru, founded in 1924, its purpose is the conservation and compilation of Folk Music and Dances of Peru.

Currently, it has in its repertoire 50 dances, a large collection of traditional costumes and musical instruments. Its cast is made up of 70 artists and has participated in national and international festivals in: Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, the United States, Canada and France. It also produces and sells videos and audio discs based on their presentations.


The Qosqo Center for Native Art is located in the city of Cusco, the theater is located specifically on Avenida Sol 872 Cusco, Peru.


From the origins of the Centro Qosqo de Arte Nativo (CQAN), the following version given by its co-founders has transcended: On the triumphant return of the Peruvian Mission of Inkaiko Art in January 1924, several of its members gathered in a well-known bohemian place » La Rotonda” located on Avenida Street, they agreed to found an institution that would promote the native art of Cusco. The first meeting that these visionary artists had was held at the home of Mr. Horacio Fortón (Nueva Baja) and there they informally founded the CQAN. Then several sessions followed until its formal foundation in the first week of November 1924. Its first president was Dr. Luis A. Pardo who held the position until 1929. The official recognition for the management of Dr. Víctor J. Guevara, is gave Supreme Resolution No. 149 of November 7, 1933. Although according to some founding partners, its foundation was on April 22, 1924.

There are several versions about the founding partners, with inadvertent omissions and inaccurate memories of the co-founders. But the most accurate data is the Centro Qosqo de Arte Nativo, which states the following list: “Pardo Durand, Luis A .; Ojeda Campana, Roberto; Zegarra Pezo, Baitazar; Aguirre Choquecunza, Juan de Dios; Vidai Unda, Humberto; Valcárcel, Luis E .; Chambi, Martín; Andía Lettuce, Santiago; Palomino Cosio, Manuel; Valdivieso, César; Olivera and Vidai, José Manuel; Yépez La Rosa, Rafael; Vidai Unda, Delia; Forton Horacio; Gaido Gamio, Max; Ochoa, Luis; Corvacho Ernesto; Pérez Yañez, Mario; Gonzales, Miguel Domingo; Rado, José Domingo; Zavaleta, Eduardo; Manuel; Diaz Robles, Roberto; Gonzales Gamarra, Carmela; Zegarra, Roberto; Baca Cámara, Florencio; Pillco Cuba, Manuel; Rouviros, Jullo; Zamalloa, Constantine.

1958 tour

One of the CQAN tours to Lima, more significant than the previous ones, took place in 1958 under the presidency of the lng ° Raúl Montesinos Espejo. Artistic presentation that received excellent criticism from intellectuals and journalists from the capital.

Other tours

Again with the presidency of Víctor Chambi, in July 1962 the CQAN made a prolonged tour of the Argentine Republic; the invitation was issued by the Santiago del Estero Song and Folklore Festival; It was also performed in Tucumán, Rio Hondo, Añatuya, La Banda, and, incidentally, at the Municipal Theater of La Paz (Bolivia). On one of those tours, in August 1966 the Department of Music recorded in Lima the first LP of Centro Qosqo entitled “Qosqo Taquiyninchis”, on the Odeón (IEMPSA) record label. During the presidency of Adolfo Núñez del Prado Castro, another important tour was that of April 1966 in the city of Huancayo, at the invitation of the National Folklore Festival of that town. The choreographic-musical ensemble was presented at the Teatro Real; The Symphonic Band of the Police School directed by maestro Armando Guevara Ochoa, with a repertoire of the «Four Great Cusqueña Music» participated in the second part of the program. In 1968, also under the presidency of Adolfo Núñez del Prado, at the invitation of the Trujillo Lions Club, the CQAN performed in that city, as well as in the Municipal Theater of Lima; On this occasion, he included in his program the costumbrista stamp «Cruz Velacuy», released in 1963. The tour was extended to Huaral, Huacho and Chiclayo. In 1969, with the presidency of the Anthrop. Luis Huayhuaca Villasante, participated in the International Festival «Las Flores y Frutas» in Ambato (Ecuador), where he obtained the «Capulí de Oro» trophy. In September 1970, under the presidency of Dr. Diómenes Oroz, the Centro Qosqo de Arte Nativo traveled to Lima to participate with different folk groups in the country, in the Great Popular Concentration. Also under the presidency of Dr. Oroz, in 1971 he attended the First International Festival of Arequipa (FESTIDANZA 71), on which occasion he obtained the “Ojota de Oro” trophy. In that same month he traveled to Ayacucho and in 1973 he had presentations at the Municipal Theater, Segura Theater and the Amauta Coliseum in Lima.

Dance Show

Ideal for those travelers who seek to know the culture of Cusco. At the Centro Qosqo de Arte Nativo, founded in 1924, different musical and folk dance shows are held every day of the week, coming from the different districts and communities of Cusco.

In the different shows, the spectator will appreciate the typical costumes of Cusco and the musical instruments, which are also exhibited in the museum.

The Qosqo Center for Native Art is the first folk music and dance group in Peru, declared by the provincial municipality of Cusco as Cultural Heritage of Cusco. This non-profit civil association is made up of 70 artists, a repertoire of 50 dances and a hundred local musics.

Among the different dances, carnivals, rituals, agricultural ones, warriors, etc. can be appreciated. Example: Danza Checamarka, Carnival of Catcca, Carnival of Tinta, Sonconacuy, Cusqueño Carnival and others.

The Qosqo Center for Native Art is located in the City of Cusco and has participated in festivals at the national and international level, competing in Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, the United States, Canada and France.

In Cusco, the citizen expresses his patriotic and religious feelings through music, dances, clothing, colors, food, etc. It is here in the Qosqo Center for Native Art where students from different universities and colleges exhibit their arts, which are seen every year by hundreds of spectators.

Here are the main dances in his repertoire.

  • CANAS CARNIVAL – Carnival
  • AGAINST DANCE – Carnival
  • DANCE K´ANA – Dance
  • PHALLCHAY – Dance
  • TURKUY – Dance
  • SAQSA – Dance
  • CUZQUEÑITA – Marinera
  • Q´ATQA PUJLLAY – Dance
  • CHUJCHU – Dance
  • AUQA CHILENO – Dance
  • AMPHAY CARNIVAL – Carnival
  • SIJLLA – Dance
  • AGUACERITO – Huayno
  • ELMICHA – Dance

What else to see?

The Qosqo Center for Native Art also has a museum where typical costumes and typical instruments of the Cusco region are exposed. Not only can you see typical dances but also customary prints, longer and more representative versions of the customs of the Andean peoples. The staging has musical repertoires and choreographic repertoires, worked by professional musicians and dancers.

When is Centro Qosqo de Arte Nativo open?

Centro Qosqo de Arte Nativo is open:

Sun – Sat 18:30 – 20:00

Do you need to book in advance to visit Centro Qosqo de Arte Nativo?

National and foreign visitors will be pleasantly impressed and will have a lasting memory. You can reserve your seat in advance. However, entrance tickets can be purchased directly at the theater entrance before the show.


  • Foreign Adult: 35 PEN
  • Foreign Student: 20 PEN
  • Foreign Child: 10 PEN
  • Peruvian Adult: 18 PEN
  • Peruvian Student: 10 PEN
  • Peruvian Child: 5 PEN

Cusco Tourist Ticket

This ticket allows entry to the main tourist attractions of the city of Cusco and the towns of the region. There are up to 4 types of tickets. The Integral Tourist Ticket allows access to 16 archaeological sites and museums such as Sacsayhuaman, Ollantaytambo, Chinchero and the Qosqo Center for Native Art. There are also Partial Tourist Tickets with specific places to visit. The acquisition is made in the same city of Cusco.

Visiting Cusco is a real adventure whose protagonist will be yourself, instead of a memorable experience, that is why Cusco is definitely one of the most incredible cities with a great variety of archaeological centers and tours such as Sacred Valley, Camino Inca or Machu Picchu. To enjoy an unforgettable experience, contact Inka Trail Backpacker, a company that will better assist you during your visit, of course it is always with the necessary advice for you and yours as well as the guarantee, responsibility and security that characterizes us. If you visit the city of Cusco another impressive destinations that you can visit are the tour to rainbow mountain peru or the humantay lake tour from cusco, which only takes one day. But if you are gonna to stay more days in Cusco, other archaeological places you can know will be the choquequirao trek peru, the salkantay trek to machu picchu, and the classic inca trail 4 days 3 nights.

TripAdvisor Reviews

Based on 151 reviews
Fernanda L
Fernanda L
Mariela es muy especial! Fue todo perfecto! Mariela es increíble y hizo todo para que nuestro viaje fuera inolvidable. La dedicación de Mariela por su trabajo y por su familia también son muy bonitas. Eso hace todo aún más especial.
Cusco Visitei Cusco em Junho/2023 e reservei todos os passeios com a Qorianka. Equipe muito atenciosa, todos os passeios foram ótimos e bem organizados.
Da F
Da F
Perfeito!!!!! Quando fui planejar a viagem para Cusco pesquisei muito os locais que queria conhecer e as empresas que faziam os passeios, encontrei a Qorianka Tours entrei em contato e fui super bem atendida pela Mariele que esclareceu todas as minhas dúvidas. Quando estamos planejamento uma viagem sempre surgi o medo de não ser o que esperávamos, mas falo com vocês que foi melhor do que eu esperava, me surpreendeu o comprometimento, a atenção de toda a equipe que esteve comigo e com meu marido no período da viagem. Vou detalhar um pouco como foi, quando chegamos no aeroporto já tinha uma pessoa esperando para levar até o hotel, nos dias de buscar para os passeios foram todos extremamente pontuais, os guias sempre alegres e com toda atenção explicavam as histórias dos locais, os locais de café da manhã e almoço muito bom e agradáveis e no fim da viagem também nos buscaram no hotel e levaram até o aeroporto. Ficamos 9 dias em Cusco, foi uma viagem maravilhosa, um sonho realizado. Agradeço toda a equipe da Qorianka Tours que conseguiram transformar minha viagem em algo mais surpreendente do que eu espera. Se vc estiver planejando super indico a Qorianka Tours, não tem nenhum ponto negativo para reclamar. Podem confiar.
Solange Puga
Solange Puga
AGÊNCIA CONFIÁVEL!! A agencia é confiável, fiz a reserva pelo Brasil,só paguei uma pequena reserva,em um banco no Brasil,fiz o resto do pagamento diretamente com a Mariella em Cusco. Eles são honestos,mas meio informais. . No city tour,eles atrasaram, logo após 20'' de atraso eu liguei,esqueceram de nós,mas logo Mariella resolveu o problema e mandou um carro para nos levar até o grupo. Adoramos os guias de cada passeio,Aidê,Roni,Ivan e Mari,são eficientes,educados e divertidos . As Vans eram confortáveis. O hotel do pacote em Aguas Calientes,,era bom e bem localizado,foram nos buscar na estação.
Silvia P
Silvia P
7 lagunas con Diego Go!! La mejor experiencia!!! desde inicio hasta al final... cuentan con servicio de desayuno, almuerzo típico delicioso? Además de conocer y hacer amistades de otros países? y lo más importante el guía quién nos orienta e explica durante todo el trayecto.... totalmente agradecida y muy feliz Guía: Diego Suna Quispe
Rocio O
Rocio O
TOUR 7 LAGUNAS CON DIEGO GO! La mejor experiencia de la visita a las 7 lagunas además de contemplar su belleza natural fue que el guía Diego nos dejó tomarnos el tiempo necesario para captar las mejores fotografías y hacer videos, ya que estas imágenes quedarán guardadas por siempre para el recuerdo. También agradecer por la alimentación que estaba deliciosa con ingredientes propias de la zona. Un consejo para las personas que deseen aventurarse en este tour (o alguno otro, ya que el guía es experto en muchos tours) no se arrepentirán en tomarlo como guía a DIEGO GO! ( como lo bautizamos ???) su nombre real es DIEGO SUNA QUISPE
Rafa Rodriguez
Rafa Rodriguez
Todo el viaje valió la pena El viaje fue súper cansador pero llegar a la montaña de colores compensó todo el cansancio! Además con el guía Ronald aka Picasso hizo esta experiencia mucho más gratificante y hermosa!